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C List

JEP- Level 1

Purpose: Lists aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Japanese Akita Inu Club

Requirements: Persons applying for inclusion on the C List must have:

  • A minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
  • Breed Specialists to have owned and exhibited a Japanese Akita Inu. Non-Specialists to have owned and exhibited any other breed of dog for at least 12 months
  • attended a KC ‘Requirements of a Dog Show Judge’ seminar
  • attended a KC ‘Conformation and Movement’ seminar
  • completed a minimum of two full-day ring stewarding appointments

C List judges are eligible to judge up to three classes of Japanese Akita Inu (four if one is a puppy class) at limited or open shows.

B List

JEP- Level 2

Purpose: Lists those persons who have met the minimum requirements for the Kennel Club JEP Level 2 qualification and have the support of the Japanese Akita Inu Club

Requirements: Persons applying for inclusion on the B List must have:

  • judged 9 classes of Japanese Akita Inu at a minimum of 3 shows
  • judged ‘hands on’ a minimum of 15 Japanese Akita Inu
  • passed the KC ‘Requirements of a Dog Show Judge’ examination
  • passed the KC ‘Points of a Dog’ assessment
  • attended a breed appreciation day (BAD) for the Japanese Akita Inu
  • passed a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the Japanese Akita Inu
  • viewed the KC ring stewarding seminar and taken the online quiz
  • completed the KC critique writing seminar and taken the online quiz
  • completed the remaining 10 full days of ring stewarding appointments (a onetime qualification)

B List judges are eligible to judge to judge more than 3 classes of Japanese Akita Inu at Open Shows and at Championship Shows without CC’s.

A3 List

JEP- Level 3-4

Purpose: Lists of those persons who have met the minimum qualifications as set out by the KC for JEP Level 3 and have the support of the Japanese Akita Inu Club to judge unlimited classes of Japanese Akita Inu at Championship Shows (with or without CC’s.)

Requirements: Persons applying for inclusion on the A3 List must have:

  • maintained an interest in the dog world for at least 5 years.
  • attended a Breed Appreciation Day [BAD] for the Japanese Akita Inu
  • passed a breed specific multiple-choice exam [MCE] for the Japanese Akita Inu
  • judged ‘hands-on’ a minimum of 25 Japanese Akita Inu. (Japanese Akita Inu is within KC Stud Book Band A which requires a minimum of 20 dogs judged)
  • passed the following relevant KC Certificates:
  • Requirements of a Dog Show Judge
  • Conformation and Movement
  • ‘Hands On’ Assessment
  • Ring Stewarding

OR have already awarded Challenge Certificates in another breed

  • owned/bred a minimum of three dogs when they obtained their first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification for first breed in which a judge awards CCs)
  • completed three mentoring sessions for the breed. (Ensuring a minimum time of 12 months between completing the first and the third session) if seeking to award CC’s for the first time.

A3 List judges are eligible to judge more than 3 classes of Japanese Akita Inu at Open Shows and at Championship Shows where CC’s are on offer subject to KC approval. .