Breed Appreciation Day

Breed Appreciation Days are held annually. They are an interesting and interactive event designed to provide a clear and detailed insight of the current UK breed standard for the Japanese Akita Inu.

The event is designed for aspiring or experienced judges looking to develop their judging experience portfolio as well as to assist new or prospective owners and breeders. The Multiple Choice Exam will be limited to 15 delegates. Mentoring sessions will be held during the afternoon. Delegates will be assigned to a small group ad each group will have a Mentor. Places are offered on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Once confirmation of payment has been received a delegate pack will be issued by email to each candidate containing; directions to the venue, itinerary, pre-course reading material and details of what you will be required to bring with you.

For more information about the next event please see below or contact Maureen Thompson [BEC] by email:

Online Breed Appreciation Presentation and Multiple-Choice Exam

2nd May 2024 7pm to 10pm

Breed presentation only £15

Breed presentation and MCE £20

This event is being delivered in line with current RKC requirements. The aim is to deliver clear and concise information in an online presentation whereby aspiring owners, breeders and judges of the Japanese Akita Inu can gain essential breed specific information that will assist understanding and accurate interpretation of the Royal Kennel Club breed standard for the Japanese Akita Inu.

The presentation will describe in greater detail the highly desirable and unique breed features which set this breed apart from other Spitz breeds.

In addition, all eligible attendees can choose to undertake the online Multiple-Choice Exam and receive immediate results.

All interested parties are invited to register here: REGISTER